Sunday, August 23, 2009

A dialogue...

Eternal Sunshine

Drink up, baby down
mmm, are you in or are you out
leave your things behind
'cause it's all going off without you ( and believe me, it is)
excuse me, too busy you're writing your tragedy?
these mishaps
you bubble wrap (break em' bubbles!)
when you've no idea what you're like

so let go, jump in
oh well, whatcha waiting for?
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown (more than you can handle)
so let go, just get in
oh, it's so amazing here
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown

Deep blue sea

I am all in
Lets go bag pack across the hills and rivers out there

In cities of people so merry and see lives of others
Lets see dawn from the window in the east
and then we can watch the stars together you and I
by some cosy rosy hearth

Lets see the joys of sun and plays of the moon
lets go dancing on the sea and singing with the bee
I am leaving my things behind but what of those
that remain behind

Do I not see them when I close my eyes
Do I not hear them when I have left the world

Do I not feel them when I am alone

Fear is there, but what of it
Its a small bug which the smile will stamp
I will live through it
For within me I know that Avalon is not here within
But there without

I will find it and there I will meet you once again by the hearth
And over a cup of ale, my love, we shall tell of our tales.

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